
Emrec Technologies empowers enterprises in their continuous transformation journey by providing full stack cloud services - Edge to Cloud - across domains delivered through Cloud Studios. Emrec Technologies Cloud Studio helps eSilicon in their journey to become a cloud-native enterprise eSilicon became the first company to design chips using public cloud Insurance company optimizes digital marketing platform with AWS Customer analytics solution built on AWS Cloud enables data availability and scalability, and informed decision-making...


Web/portal/content management systems development

  • Cloud Advisory

  • Cloud Migration

  • Cloud Native

  • Cloud Data

  • Cloud Engineering

CLOUD ADVISORY : Financial services firms are preparing for the future and exploring cloud’s potential. But, they are not taking full advantage of cloud’s abilities and potential. Cloud can be the foundation for a comprehensive transition for driving growth.

CLOUD MIGRATION : Migrating to cloud is important – but doing it fast and doing it right is the key

CLOUD NATIVE : Examine the current data and application environment and develop a robust strategy that results in value realization for our customers